This example of philosophical reflection in Africa shows how the continent contributed to knowledge enrichment, development of rational thought, philosophy, arts, techniques and science and civilization. The various African contributions of musical rhythms, dances and humanism philosophy have long been integrated into the heritage of humanity.
Cyrille Koné was visiting professor at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. He is the director of Centre d’études sur les Philosophies, les sociétés et les savoirs (CEPHISS) – Center for studies on philosophies, societies and knowledges, at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University. He published several articles and books on metaphysics, ethics, aesthetics in Africa, African civilization.
Matthias Kaufmann studied mathematics, philosophy and political science. 1992 habilitation with a work on reference and truth in William Ockham. During 1995–2020 he was a professor in philosophy (ethics) at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. His main fields of work are political philosophy, philosophy of law, applied ethics and early modern philosophy.