How do football clubs cope with linguistic diversity in their teams? Which officials and politicians are insulted by French fans on their forums? Do online minute-by-minute live commentaries work the same or differently in different cultures? If the digital referee calls an offside in a football video game, can you question it? How do fans fight to retain traditional stadium names? Which teams are involved in the rivalry between "Herne-West" and "Lüdenscheid Nord"? To what extent does Ghana's culture determine the imagery of its football commentaries? This book not only answers all your questions about language(s) and football, but also many more that you have not yet asked yourself. A wealth of linguistic disciplines and numerous countries and languages on several continents: football brings them all together.
Dr. Eva Lavric war Professorin für Romanische Sprachwissenschaft an der Universität Innsbruck und ist dort im Ruhestand Lehrbeauftragte.
Dr. Gerhard Pisek ist Assistenzprofessor am Institut für Anglistik an der Universität Innsbruck.
Eva Lavric, Gerhard Pisek:
Introduction / Vorwort
Christian Schütte:
Nationale Selbst- und Fremdpositionierungen in der EM-Berichterstattung 2021. Diskurslinguistischer Vergleich der österreichischen und deutschen Boulevardpresse
Jakob Egetenmeyer:
The discourse status of deviating tense-aspect-mood (TAM) forms in German and French football reports
Konrad Szczesniak:
Frequency patterns in the use of v-goal collocations in English, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Czech, and Polish journalism
Hans Baumann:
Über das Team sprechen. Zur sprachlichen Bezugnahme französischsprachiger Fußballtrainer und -funktionäre auf ihre Mannschaft in Presseinterviews
Anita Pavic Pintaric:
(Im)Politeness in football reports
James Gyimah Manu, Esther Serwaah Afreh:
Football and metaphor. The Ghanaian commentators' case
Jozef Merges:
Informative contextual parentheses in the structure of football commentary. Messages about heroes
Beata Grochala:
Online-Livekommentar. Ein Fußballspiel in drei Sprachen
Vincenzo Folino:
Parla come calci. Le lingue nel calcio. Strategie comunicative di calciatori e allenatori nelle squadre plurilingui
Terézia Kovalik Slancová, Daniela Slancová:
Gestures in communication between coaches and players in youth football. A case study
Burak S. Tekin:
Claiming offside as an interactional phenomenon. Seeing and knowing offside in football video gaming activities
Roman Beljutin:
Herne-West gegen Lüdenscheid Nord. Im kommunikativen Clinch wegen einer leidenschaftlichen Feindschaft
Marie-Anne Berron, Sabine Bastian, Florian Koch:
L'expression de l'identité collective. Une analyse exploratoire du contenu des chants de supporters en France
Rémy Porquier:
L'agressivité en ligne dans les forums de supporters de football
Marcus Callies, Ben Clarke, Cornelia Gerhardt:
The discourse of stadium renamings. A comparative analysis of fan banners in Germany and England
Simon Meier-Vieracker:
The multilingual corpora of football linguistics. Design and use cases of a public research resource on the language of football
Jesús Castanón Rodriguez:
Panorama de las principales tendencias lingüisticas en el fútbol espanol (2008-2021)
Authors & editors / Autor:innen und Herausgeber:innen