Keynotes from the International Conference on Explanation and Prediction in Linguistics (CEP): Formalist and Functionalist Approaches
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The Syntax of Meaning and the Meaning of Syntax
Kosta, Peter
Current Developments in Slavic Linguistics. Twenty Years After (based on selected papers from FDSL 11)
Russisch und Ukrainisch im Wandel
Flug, Olga
Complejidad lingüística
Conti Jiménez, Carmen
Institutional Construction of Gamblers’ Identities
Leung, Ray C.H.
Reflexivität im tschechisch-deutschen Sprachvergleich
Wagner, Roland
Multilingualism and Translation
Optionality and overgeneralisation patterns in second language acquisition: Where has the expletive ensconced «it»self?
Varley, Nadia
The Indicative and Subjunctive da-complements in Serbian: A Syntactic-Semantic Approach
Todorovi?, Nataša
Eine «unbekannte» Sprache lesen «oder» Von der Entdeckung des Nissart durch Interkomprehension
Wagner, Stefanie
Evaluating Cartesian Linguistics
Behme, Christina
Raum und Zeit im Kontext der Metapher
Plötner, Kathleen
Single and Double Clitics in Adult and Child Grammar
Radeva-Bork, Teodora
The Syntax and Semantics of the Nominal Construction
Krivochen, Diego Gabriel
From Present to Past and Back
Sukac, Roman
Formalization of Grammar in Slavic Languages
Binding and Discourse: Where Syntax and Pragmatics Meet
Schürcks, Lilia