Subjunctive and indicative interpretations in Serbian are dependent on semantic properties of the matrix verb, the aspect and tense of the embedded verb, and the selection of homophonous
the indicative or subjunctive
. The choice of mood affects clitic placement, negation interpretation, and licensing of negative polarity items.
Nataša Todorovi? is a linguist with a particular interest in Slavic and Balkan linguistics. Her areas of research interests are syntax, semantics, syntax-semantic interface and morphosyntax. She currently teaches at Wilbur Wright College in Chicago.
Contents: Aspect – Mood – Tense – Clitics – Finite Complementation – Infinitive – Licensing of Negative Polarity Items – Negation – Balkan Sprachbund – Clausal Structure – Negative Polarity Items – Second-position Cliticization – Imperfective Aspect – Perfective Aspect – Indicative Mood – Subjunctive Mood.