This book lucidly and brilliantly demonstrates John Dewey’s ongoing significance as an educational critic. After providing a fresh and provocative personal and intellectual biography of Dewey, this primer focuses on the relevance of his views of reflective thinking for both educational practice and theorizing about issues concerning curriculum, teaching, knowledge, ethics, moral education, constructivism, and perspectivism. This book also shows the crucial differences between reflective and dogmatic thinking and their implications for schooling, teaching, and learning. The work is a primer designed for courses in educational issues, educational foundations, introduction to education, and philosophy of education.
The Author: Douglas J. Simpson is Professor of Curriculum and Instruction and the holder of the Helen DeVitt Jones Chair in Teacher Education at Texas Tech University. He received his Ph.D. in education from the University of Oklahoma. In addition to writing numerous articles, he is the author or co-author of John Dewey and the Art of Teaching (2004), Educational Reform: A Deweyan Perspective (1997), Recreating Schools: Places Where Everyone Learns and Likes It (1997), and The Pedagodfathers (1994).