Marriage is a human institution established by God for procreation and companionship with the ultimate aim of the two becoming one. Unfortunately the institution has suffered many challenges that undermine Gods original plan for marriage. Many research, writings and seminars have been done to discover the nature of marriage, the challenges and what is needed to bring back marriage to its right path. This book THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE is another effort to help Christians discover Gods ultimate purpose in marriage. This book is unique in the sense that it searched the Word of God to bring out the meaning and principles of the two becoming one, the character and role of the couple and other persons who make the two become one, the fruits, challenges and blessings of becoming one. The book ends with concluding encouragements to couples noting that becoming one is a mystery and that God alone through the Holy Spirit reveals the true meaning of marriage. The couple must therefore rely on the Holy Spirit help to help them carry out their marital tasks and face the challenges with endurance and makes the marriage succeed.
Rev. Moses Frederick Khanu is a minister of the Wesleyan Church of Sierra Leone. He holds B.Th in Missions and MA in Gender Studies. Rev. Khanu is a pastor, teacher, researcher and gender consultant, authored teaching and learning materials for the Sunday School and Bible Study of the Church. He is married to Yeallie with five children.