Earthly Scents - Heavenly Pleasures - Cover

Earthly Scents - Heavenly Pleasures

A Cultural History of Scents

Erscheint am 01.12.2030
CHF 66,00
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783906390345
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 300
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Einband: Gebunden


InhaltsangabePrologue. About the Chemical Senses Part 1. The Magical World of Fragrances in Antiquity In the Beginning was the Smoke Mesopotamia The Cradle of Humanity Divine Fragrance in Ancient Egypt The Gods' Anointing Oils The Oilmakers' Fragrances Biblical Fragrances Aromatic Plants in Biblical Times Biblical Resins in Modern Perfumery Part 2. The Scent Trail to the West Crete and Mycenae The Herbal Scents of Minos Ancient Herbal Scents in Modern Perfumery The Human Nature of the Greek Gods The Hellenes' Divine Oils Rome Perfumed Raptures A Rose is a Rose is a Rose The Violet Safran macht den Kuchen geel Part 3. Ex Oriente Lux Arabia Felix The World of Animal Scents Animal Scents in Modern Perfumery Along the Silk Road Bharat Mata Middle Kingdom Japan Part 4. The Fragrances of the Orient Spices Spice Notes in Perfumery Wood Scents Wood Notes in Perfumery Floral Scents Floral Notes in Perfumery Citrus Fruits Citrus Notes in Perfumery Part 5. From Eau de Chypre to Eau de Cologne Appreciation of Scents in Western Europe Emergence of the Modern

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