This book explores Walter Benjamin, Siegfried Kracauer and Alexander Kluge's analyses of the role that a rejuvenation in the capacity for imagination can play in encouraging us to reconceive the possibilities of the past, the present, and the future outside of the parameters of the status quo. The concept of imagination to which the title of the book refers is not a strictly defined, stable concept, but rather a term which is employed to refer to a capacity that facilitates both an active, creative relationship to one's environment, and a process of mediation between the outside world and one's own experiences and memories.Through a detailed analysis of their engagements with subjects that span a broad range of historical and thematic contexts (including topics as diverse as literature, children's play, film, photography, history, and television) the book charts the extent to which the concept of imagination plays a central role in Benjamin, Kracauer, and Kluge's explorations of a mode of perception and experience which could serve as a catalyst for the creation and sustenance of a desire for a different kind of future.
»Während die Verbindung von Benjamin und Kluge geläufig ist, so wird Kracauers spätes Werk zur Film- und Geschichtstheorie recht selten überhaupt wahrgenommen. Ihn mit Kluge und Benjamin zu verbinden, ist Forrest in ihrer Arbeit überzeugend gelungen.«
Reviewed in:cultural studies review, 14/2, 9 (2008), Lisa McDonaldfsk Hamburg, 09.08.2009, Olaf Berg
»Beyond its immediate appeal to those interested in film and cultural theory will [this book] contribute well to the increasing interest in emergent studies, the interactions between literature, art, science and science philosophy.«
»Beyond its immediate appeal to those interested in film and cultural theory will [this book] contribute well to the increasing interest in emergent studies, the interactions between literature, art, science and science philosophy.«
Reviewed in:cultural studies review, 14/2, 9 (2008), Lisa McDonald