Through out the Bible, we find two themes - Salvation and Damnation. The book, Search the Scriptures is carefully designed to stir the innermost self of every Bible student and reader to the realities of why we are in this world. It also emphases the revelation of the greatness of the whole Godhead whose attributes are counterfeited by the king of darkness, the devil. To recognize the deadly pitfalls of this time, we must know that the walk to Calvary is only part of salvation, the pointing to the cross is also part of the source of salvation but the walk with the King is a complete breakthrough from the wrath of God. Any time we stray away from the authority of the Bible and we begin to trust men,we are putting ourselves in the position to be snared by the devil. Search the Scriptures is also written to show that the Bible is its own interpreter and in its entirety, the ultimate authority and the word of God.
He is a graduate from the University of Buea with a B.Ed. He holds an MA[IR] from USLA and was the Presbytery President of the Christian Youth Fellowship of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon. He currently serves as a Board Member of the Ministry of Insured Salvation, Kingdom of Lesotho Founded and directed by Rev. Mavis Mochochoko.