The ubiquitous availability of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) such as Navstar GPS provides a precise and affordable location service for a broad range of applications. However, GNSS can only be used outdoors, preferably in non-urban environments. For indoor settings, an affordable yet accurate localization solution is yet to come.
This book presents an optoacoustic indoor localization system which has originally been motivated by the challenges that are encountered in the area of surgical navigation, such as non-line-of-sight conditions (shadowing). The contribution consists of an economic, scalable, and accurate indoor localization system, which has the potential to target a large number of applications.
A two-channel technology, consisting of both optical infrared links as well as acoustical ultrasound links, is presented. By taking advantage of the different signal propagation speeds, it is possible to measure distance.
Correlation-based methods allow for both a coarse time-of-flight measurement using Gold code modulation, as well as for a precise determination of the phase by means of the carrier signal. A high time-of-flight signal quality is obtained by constructing a complex envelope and taking advantage of techniques for interference mitigation. This is achieved by employing plant models, which comprise the employed piezoelectric transducers as well as the acoustic and optical link.
A particle filter which is based on a kinematic rigid body motion model combines the distance measurements with data provided by inertial and magnetic sensors. It is used to localize and track the six degrees of freedom (position and orientation) of rigid objects moving freely within an indoor environment.