Ethical Challenges of Organ Transplantation
Current Debates and International Perspectives
Hansen, Solveig Lena / Schicktanz, Silke
Erschienen am
14.10.2021, Auflage: 1. Auflage
This international collection features a comprehensive debate on the current bioethical controversies of transplantation medicine.
»The book effectively guides its readers through various topics, issues, theoretical perspectives, and methodological orientations dominating the organtransplantation debate. As highlighted by the editors,it not only provides an encompassing overview but also emphasizes forms of discomfort and criticism.The book is therefore recommended not only for scientific but also for teaching purposes and can servea multidisciplinary student audience. Moreover, the book can benefit physicians, policymakers, and other professionals.«
»This book is a must-read for anyone interested in a state-of-the-art overview of the organ donation field and the various ethical issues associated with it.«
»Der Sammelband bietet [...] einen Einblick in die Vielfalt der thematischen und methodischen Zugänge in der gegenwärtigen medizinethischen Debatte zur Organtransplantation, der eine hervorragende Ergänzung zu anderen Überblickswerken bietet.«
»While some of the more theoretical chapters may not be of interest to clinicians, they provide in depth explanations of some of the underlying foundations of transplant ethics and are worth reading for anyone interested in these topics. The more practical chapters are well worth reading and provide excellent references for further exploration of these topics.«
»While some of the more theoretical chapters may not be of interest to clinicians, they provide in depth explanations of some of the underlying foundations of transplant ethics and are worth reading for anyone interested in these topics. The more practical chapters are well worth reading and provide excellent references for further exploration of these topics.«
»This book is a must-read for anyone interested in a state-of-the-art overview of the organ donation field and the various ethical issues associated with it.«Andreas Albertsen, Ethical and Moral Practice, 26 (2023)
»The book effectively guides its readers through various topics, issues, theoretical perspectives, and methodological orientations dominating the organtransplantation debate. As highlighted by the editors,it not only provides an encompassing overview but also emphasizes forms of discomfort and criticism.The book is therefore recommended not only for scientific but also for teaching purposes and can servea multidisciplinary student audience. Moreover, the book can benefit physicians, policymakers, and other professionals.«