SPELL 15 - English Studies on Globalisation
The essays in this volume combine analyses of our late-capitalist world with a historical perspective on what is all too frequently regarded as an exclusively modern phenomenon. The assumption underlying this volume is that globalisation manifests itself in three linked forms: the free-market economy, global communications and marketing networks, and global mass culture.
J. Thieme, Patchwork Quilts, Trade Routes and Other (Inter-)Networks: Reflections on Literature and Globalisation; R. Waswo, Europe: From Ancient Marginalization to Modern Globalization; M. Bridges, 'Neithyr of hem cowd wel vnderstonde other': Negotiating Collective and Individual Identity through Language in the English Middle Ages; W. Senn, 'Around the world each needful Product flies': England's Global Expansion and the Poet's Trade; Th. Steffen, Between Transnationalism and Globalization: Kara Walker's Cultural Hybridities; T. McArthur, World English: Unity and Diversity, Profit and Loss; A. Fischer, Global English as a Challenge for Lexicography; S. Chevalier, To What Extent Does Globalisation Equal Americanisation? An Onomastic Response; P. Skandera, 'At Least We've Had a Nice Day': Miscommunication and New Politeness Phenomena in Global English.