Work: The Labors of Language, Culture, and History in North America
Lieferbar in ca. 10-14 Arbeitstagen
Brexit and Beyond: Nation and Identity
Secrecy and Surveillance in Medieval and Early Modern England
The Challenge of Change
American Communities: Between the Popular and the Political
What is an Image in Medieval and Early Modern England?
Economies of English
Drama and Pedagogy in Medieval and Early Modern England
Literature, Ethics, Morality: American Studies Perspectives
Emotion, Affect, Sentiment:
Cultures in Conflict/Conflicting Cultures
Medieval and Early Modern Literature, Science and Medicine
On the Move
Medieval and Early Modern Authorship
The Visual Culture of Modernism
Performing the Self
Writing American Women
Austenfeld, Thomas
The Construction of Textual Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Literature
American Aesthetics
Cultures in Contact
American Poetry: Whitman to the Present
Lieferbar in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen
Representing Realities
American Foundational Myths