Life Never Ends

A Travel Guide to Eternity

Erschienen am 06.05.2024
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In den Warenkorb
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783759722720
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 200
Format (T/L/B): 1.0 x 19.0 x 12.0 cm


Life moves like a rollercoaster, up and down and all around, and we are right in the middle of it. Hopes, expectations, and disappointments are experienced, and once in a while a few moments of happiness come along. But, like everything else, they trickle away. It wasn`t always like that, and it isn`t like that, really. It just seems that way. In Life Never Ends, Mario Mantese counters these assumptions. Based on heartening and emboldening experiences and realizations, this Swiss wisdom-teacher shows here that many things are completely different, completely the opposite. The rollercoaster moves only within the circuit of thoughts. Mario Mantese reminds us that we can get off the ride at any time. The thrills and fears experienced along those tracks are nothing compared to the true beauty of life. He writes with a smile - "Nothing is riskier than daily life".

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