The Metamorphosis from Bird to Worm

Selected Poems

Erschienen am 08.05.2024
CHF 12,90
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In den Warenkorb
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783757891466
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 118
Format (T/L/B): 0.0 x 21.0 x 14.0 cm


'Cosmic space expands Time is void out of God's presence From the chaos of existing matter out of necessity order is created If a thought is pursued further a dispute is soon sparked in thought Knowledge of the world as human deception The light was forbiddingly called' [Excerpt from the poem 'Eadem alter'] A collection of poems translated from German into English. Connecting philosophical and metaphysical considerations with the art of poetry. Paying homage to literal masterpieces and to the magnificence of cathartic experiences.


Elvin Karda Gökce: One of the aims of Elvin Karda Gökce's art is to trace man's ontological search for beloning. The eternal questions, like fixed stars above the head of the dust-born, have not become less relevant since the first question was asked nor did an answer came any closer to the truth. The cosmic gap not only separates mankind from the cosmos, it also separates man from himself and thus also separates people from each other. According to E. K. Gökce, the special task of artists and poets lies in this, as Mediator Dei, to mend this rift. But harmony and unity can only be possible through co-operation, which is why each individual is called upon to lend a hand.

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