Once you have an account, you are more likely to use other financial services, such as credit and insurance, to start and expand businesses, invest in education or health.And your ability to guard yourself and your family against financial hardship is greater; you are becoming more resilient, less prone to fall back into poverty. Ms Christina Malmbery Calvo - World Bank Country Manager, (Wednesday, February 8 2017) ________________________________________________________________________ This book underscores creation and strengthening of HR Management systems for driving Uganda to middle income status (MIS). MIS of a country is the attainment of 1.000$ per capita income per individual. A few professional bureaucrats understand this concept, thus opening it up to wide intellectual debates from many players, including World Bank Economists. The wide dissenting views from these many players have informed the author in publishing this book as a contribution to more researched literature on our country that can be used as a source of reference. Enjoy!
An Experienced project management professional who has served as Human Resource for Health Policy Expert to World Bank & DfID funded Projects in Uganda, South Sudan & Somaliland. He is an accredited gender & equity budgeting Trainer, supervised post graduate students at Columbia University, spoke at Harvard University (USA) & Keele University (UK).