The essays presented here pay tribute to Hans Sauer as a specialist on English medieval literature and culture. This book shows what we can safely infer from medieval texts and where we need to be cautious or should reassess what has hitherto been suggested. It shows what the Middle Ages inherited from earlier days and transformed during their own time, what they gave to later eras, and what clearly belongs into the realm of fantasy films. The essays mainly concentrate on Old and Middle English prose and poetry, also including theoretical approaches to understanding medieval culture.
The honouree, Professor Hans Sauer, has held the Munich chair for English Linguistics and Medieval English Literature since 1997. His career gives evidence of his strong commitment to academic life, and he has contributed abundantly to his research fields and supervised numerous theses.
Contents: Michael Herren:
? Mythographical Miscues in Early Medieval Glosses and Glossaries – Gernot R. Wieland: The Unferth Enigma: The
between the Hero and the Poet – Patrizia Lendinara: The Source of Damasus’ Inquiry on the Proper Time to Celebrate Mass in London, British Library, Stowe 944 and in London, British Library, Cotton Caligula A. xv – Joyce Hill: Author and Audience in Ælfric’ s Second Pastoral Letter for Wulfstan – Allen J. Frantzen: Food Words in the Anglo-Saxon Penitentials – Susanne Gärtner: When Scribe Meets Manuscript: Medieval Scribal Copies as Linguistic Contact Phenomena – William Marx: The Edge of Orthodoxy: The Virgin Mary, St Bernard, and the
– Renate Bauer:
Jews in Middle Scots Texts – Wolfgang Mager: Caxton’s
– Michael W. Twomey:
: A Short Biography of Anglo-Saxon Thorn – Thomas Honegger: From Bestiary onto Screen: Dragons in Film. Inhaltsverzeichnis