Enormous growth of violent escalation among youth in every country and culture is alarming. Moreover, aversion to violence is rapidly diminishing and many young people regard violence as an effective and only means to achieve anything in life. Concepts like redemptive violence; just war, holy war, etc. evoke positive resonance. The situation of the youth in India is no exception to the general trend in the global community. Youth violence is indeed a challenge to pastoral care and many involved in youth ministry are trapped in a helpless situation. With the help of pastoral reflection and an interdisciplinary approach this book deals with theory and praxis of youth ministry in the context of violence and aggression among the youth in order to discern relevant strategies for an effective pastoral care.
The Author: Roy Lazar Anthonisamy completed his doctorate in Pastoral Theology 2002 at Würzburg University. He also holds Masters in History and Education. Ordained in 1987 the author has served the local church at Vellore (India) as Assistant Parish Priest, Director of the diocesan Pastoral Center, Vice-Rector and Rector of the diocesan seminary. He was a member of the diocesan Priests’ Senate and the College of Diocesan Councillors and an Executive Council member of the district Arivoli Iyyakkam. Roy Lazar Anthonisamy is at present teaching at the Department of Christian Studies at Madras University (India).