Mass Collaboration and Education
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Series 16
Moskaliuk, Johannes / Jeong, Heisawn
Erschienen am
01.02.2016, Auflage: 1. Auflage
This book offers novel theoretical conceptualizations and innovative methods of analysis for the mass collaboration in education granted by the internet. Bringing together researchers from the disciplines of information technology, education, and psychology, chapters work to foster an exchange among them and develop new environments for mass collaboration in education. This research fills a gap in current studies of computer-supported collaborative learning and will prove valuable for educators of MOOCs and other massive learning environments.
Ulrike Cress is full professor at the University of Tuebingen and deputy director of the Knowledge Media Research Center. Ulrike Cress conducted many projects about web-based learning (financed by EU, DFG, National and federal ministries of Science. She is Executive Editor of the International Journal of Computer-supported Collaborative Learning and board member of the Educational Psychologist. Furthermore, she is member of the CSCL-Committee within the International Society of the Learning Sciences.