InhaltsangabePart I: The Field Today.- Chapter 1: Introduction: Beyond Legitimation and Guardianship.- Chapter 2: Theorising the Participation of Children and Young People in Research.- Chapter 3: Democratic education in an age of compliance.- Chapter 4: 'Empowerment' and Participation.- Part II: Listening to Student Voice.- Chapter 5: Student Voice at School.- Chapter 6: Student Voice Beyond School.- Chapter 7: The Voices of Young People in the Community.- Chapter 8: Student Voice in the Higher Education Setting.- Part III: Engaging Student Voice.- Chapter 9: Methods for Engaging Student Voice.- Chapter 10: Ethics in Researching with Children and Young People.- Chapter 11: Pedagogy and Student Voice.- Chapter 12: Conclusion.
InhaltsangabePart I: The Field Today Chapter 1: Introduction: Beyond Legitimation and Guardianship (Sample Chapter) Chapter 2: Theorising the Participation of Children and Young People in Research Chapter 3: Democratic education in an age of compliance Chapter 4: 'Empowerment' and Participation Part II: Listening to Student Voice - Three Cases Chapter 5: Student Voice at School Chapter 6: Student Voice Beyond School Chapter 7: Student Voice in the Higher Education Setting Part III: Engaging Student Voice Chapter 8: Methods for Engaging Student Voice Chapter 9: Pedagogy and Student Voice Chapter 10: The Voices of Young People in the Community Chapter 11: Ethics in Researching with Children and Young People Chapter 12: Conclusion