Making & more: gemeinsam Lernen gestalten
Spieler, Bernadette / Dahinden, Manuela / Rummler, Klaus / Schifferle, Tobias M. / Beste, Alexander
Erschienen am
03.05.2024, Auflage: 1. Auflage
Digital change is shaping our society and requires the continuous development of skills. Education in particular faces the challenge of adapting to these changes and equipping learners for an increasingly complex and technologically advanced world. In this context, the special issue ‘Making & more: shaping learning together’ of the journal MedienPädagogik focuses on the concept of making as an educational approach. Making combines digital and manual production techniques to teach digital and practical skills. It promotes learning through action and discovery and, in addition to technical skills, also supports creative thinking, problem-solving skills and teamwork in projects of different sizes. The thematic issue highlights the diverse and dynamic possibilities of making in education and offers new impulses for discussions about the role of making in education. The booklet contains 21 contributions divided into three main categories: theoretical foundations, practical reports and didactic concepts. The theoretical foundations cover a broad spectrum of pedagogical, educational science, computer science, psychological and socio-cultural aspects. Practical reports provide an insight into concrete making projects in schools, while the didactic concepts address the planning and implementation of making activities. Together, these contributions offer a comprehensive perspective on the use of Making in an educational context and its importance for the development of relevant competences in a digitally shaped world.