This book is a threefold investigation of the study abroad profile of non-native speaker teachers of English, its impact on acquisition of sociopragmatic variation patterns and the subsequent relationship between such patterns and the enactment of a range of identities. It links ethnographic and quantitative data with examples of learner discourse.
Anne Marie Devlin is a lecturer in Applied Linguistics at University College Cork. She has spent many years teaching English as a Second Language and has also worked as a teacher trainer on refresher courses for non-native speaker teachers of English.
Contents: Introduction: Aims and Scope of the Book – ‘The art of the analysis of the unsaid’: An Investigation of Pragmatics – Identity and the Second Language User: How Can I Still Be Me? – The Study – Language Teacher as Learner: Constructing a Profile – ‘Are you ok?’: The Use of (Sub)-Strategies to Index Sociopragmatic Variation – You Can Take the Teacher Out of the Classroom, But … : Indexing Identity – Towards an Understanding of the Interplay between Duration of Study Abroad, Interaction with Loci of Learning and the Emergence of Core Identity.