This book reflects the current diversity of theoretical viewpoints and practices of public diplomacy, analyzing this activity from the perspective of its cultural, communicative and image components. The European Union, some Latin American countries (México and Venezuela) and civil society organisations are the main actors object of study.
María Luisa Azpíroz Manero is Postdoctoral Fellow in the Centre for International Relations Studies (CEFIR), at the University of Liege. Her fellowship was granted by the University of Liege and the Marie Curie Actions of the European Commission. She holds a PhD in Communication Studies from the University of Navarra, and was visiting researcher at Royal Holloway University of London and George Washington University. She was also Visiting Professor at Panamerican University, in Mexico. Her research areas are public diplomacy, discourse and media analysis. Some of her publications are:
(2013) and
Contents: Beatriz Nadia Pérez Rodríguez: European Union Public Diplomacy in Latin America: Opportunities and Challenges – María Luisa Azpíroz Manero: Diplomacia mediática de la Unión Europea y visibilidad en la prensa de sus socios estratégicos latinoamericanos: Brasil y México – Steffen Bay Rasmussen: The New Narrative for Europe and the Culture-Identity Nexus in European Union Public Diplomacy – Gustavo Martínez Pandiani: Diplomacia mediática en América Latina: Luces y sombras del caso Telesur – César Corona: Mexican Public Diplomacy in European World Expos: 1992-2015 – María Teresa La Porte: Improving Efficiency in Public Diplomacy Practices: Advising Non-State Actors’ Strategies in the EU Framework.