Contents: Daniela Preda: Introduction – Mario Venturi & Realino Marra: Opening address – Lara Piccardo: Three Lessons from the Past: Monetary Unions in the 19th Century Europe – Ivo Maes : Robert Triffin et le processus d’intégration monétaire européenne – Andreas Wilkens : Le Plan Werner et la découverte d’Europe monétaire – Maria Eleonora Guasconi: The End of Bretton Woods and the Setting up of the Snake – Giovanni Battista Pittaluga : The European Monetary System – Daniela Preda: The Role of Giulio Andreotti in the Birth of the EMS and of the Monetary Union – Jean-Marie Palayret: La Présidence Mitterrand, fer de lance de l’Union monétaire européenne (1988–1992)? – Guido Montani: The action of the European Federalist Movement for the European Currency – Carlo Degli Abbati: L’Euro entre problèmes de naissance et incertitudes identitaires (1991–2016) – Alberto Majocchi: Fiscal discipline and growth within EMU – Franco Praussello: Crisis and possible new start of integration process: beyond the eurozone predicament – Francesco Munari: From Pringle to Gauweiler: the difficult years of European Monetary Union and their impact on the EU legal system – Adriano Giovannelli: On the metamorphosis of the crisis and the prospects of the European economic governance.