Xuetao, Shuang
Titel noch nicht erschienen
Daughters of the Bamboo Grove
Demick, Barbara
The Third Love
Kawakami, Hiromi
The Second Coming
Hallberg, Garth Risk
The Möbius Book
Lacey, Catherine
Allegro Pastel
Randt, Leif
The Book of Records
Thien, Madeleine
The Bridegroom Was a Dog
Tawada, Yoko
No Straight Road Takes You There
Solnit, Rebecca
River of Shadows
A Paradise Built in Hell
We would have told each other everything
Hermann, Judith
Convenience Store Woman
Murata, Sayaka
Train Dreams
Johnson, Denis
Jefferson, Margo
My First Book
Levy, Honor
Vanishing World
Granta 171
A Body Made of Glass
Crampton, Caroline
Davies, Carys
A Room Above a Shop
Shapland, Anthony
The Naked Eye
Under a Metal Sky
Marsden, Philip
The Lodgers
Pester, Holly