Naturgrenzen. Herrschaftlich- territoriale Aneignung von Gewässern, Wäldern und Bergen vor 1815 | Limites naturelles. Les eaux, forêts et montagnes face au territoire (du Moyen Âge au début de l’époque contemporaine)
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Uncovering Non-Official Expectations of Independence in Africa
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Entanglements and Transfers: Socialist East-Central European Actors as Co-Producers of Socio-Economic Globalization Processes
Worlds of Management: Transregional Perspectives on Management Knowledge, 1950s-1970s
Between Trade and Aid: Theories, Practices, and Results of Attempts at Exporting State-Socialist Development Models to the Third World
Populism and Social Cohesion in Southern Africa: Insights from Scholars and Practitioners
Neighbourhood, Rivalry, and Cooperation: Russian-Persian Entanglements in a Transottoman Context (ca. 1900-1940s)
The O/AU@60 Pan-African Futures-in-the-Past
Spaces of Progress and Development: Planning in Rural and Urban Latin America (19th and 20th Century)
Historical Perspectives on the Global Environment
The Ottoman Empire and the „Germansphere“ in the Age of Imperialism
Every Book an Adventure: The Walter Markov Prize Turns 30
Remunerating Labour in a Long-Term Perspective
Transimperial Histories of Knowledge: Exchange and Collaboration from the Margins of Imperial Europe
Falling Statues around the Atlantic
Cultural Policy and Culture in Transformation: Central and Eastern Europe since 1989
Re-Education Revisited: Conflicting Agendas and Cross-Cultural Agency in the Early Cold War
The Slavery / Capitalism Debate Global. From „Capitalism and Slavery“ to Slavery as Capitalism
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Comparing Colonialism: Beyond European Exceptionalism
Narrating World History after the Global Turn: The Cambridge World History (2015)
Transforming Cities: Urbanization and International Development in Africa and Latin America since 1945
Africa‘s Global 1989
The Momentous 1960s – Reflections on an African Decade
Empires reconfigured