Paul Auster's (Post)modern Chronotopes:
Seltnerajch, Julia
Lieferbar in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen
Bilingual Autobiographical Poetry of Henry Beissel
Nowak, Paulina Katarzyna
A Poetics of Borderlands
Ho?ubowicz, Aleksandra
The Art Of Cultural Memory
Nature Walks
Dziok, Anna
Samuel Beckett's Signature in Years 1929–1938
Borkowski, Rafa?
Building (in) the Promised Land
Koneczniak, Grzegorz
A ‘Fourth Way’ to Tell the Story
Miceli, Barbara
Constructing Identity in the Poetry of Tony Harrison
Handley, Agata
On Beauty and Being: Hans-Georg Gadamer’s and Virginia Woolf’s Hermeneutics of the Beautiful
Ho?da, Ma?gorzata
Dress as Metaphor – British Female Fashion and Social Change in the 20th Century
Kociolek, Katarzyna
Byron: Reality, Fiction and Madness
The Literary Art of Ali Smith
Time and Vision Machines in Thomas Pynchon’s Novels
Misztal, Arkadiusz
In Wonder, Love and Praise
Redefining the Fringes in Celtic Studies
Archaization in Literary Translation as Nostalgic Pastiche
Rudolf, Krzysztof Filip
Women in Edward Bond
Nicolás Román, Susana
Popular Genres and Their Uses in Fiction
W?grodzka, Jadwiga
Crime Fiction
Regeneration, Citizenship, and Justice in the American City since the 1970s
Dybska, Aneta
Parody, Scriblerian Wit and the Rise of the Novel
U?ci?ski, Przemys?aw
Constructing Identity
Ways of Pleasure
Oramus, Dominika