Fest, Flüssig, Biotisch
Lieferbar in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen
Solid, Fluid, Biotic
New Grammar of Ornament
Weil, Thomas
99 Photographs
The Turn of the Century
99 Fotografien
Image par Image
Pfrunder, Peter
Bild für Bild
Momentum of Light
Louis Kahn: The Importance of a Drawing
Ideas and Integrities
Fuller, R. Buckminster
Bärtsch, Nik
The Non-objective World
Malevich, Kasimir
Bauhaus Buildings Dessau
Gropius, Walter
Dutch Architecture
Oud, Jacobus Johannes Pieter
Gleizes, Albert
From Material to Architecture
Moholy-Nagy, Lászlo
Point and Line to Plane
Kandinsky, Wassily
Analog Algorithm
Grünberger, Christoph
The Formal Basis of Modern Architecture
Eisenman, Peter
Antarctic Resolution
R. Buckminster Fuller - Pattern-Thinking
López-Pérez, Daniel
Hara, Kenya
Louis Kahn: On the Thoughtful Making of Spaces
Merrill, Michael