Sequenzierung und genetische Charakterisierung
Vazhacharickal, Prem Jose
Lieferbar in ca. 10-14 Arbeitstagen
Antimikrobielle Aktivitäten von Pfeffer (Piper nigrum) Sorten
Analyse des FokI-Polymorphismus im VDR-Gen
Jose Vazhacharickal, Prem
Optimization of Media Formulations for Callus Induction and direct Organogenesis
Sequencing and genetic characterization
Anti-acne activity of medicinal and herbal sources
Antimicrobial activities of pepper (Piper nigrum) varieties
Cholesterol lowering effect of Tamarind (Tamarindus indica)
Phytochemical characterization of Averrhoa bilimbi and in vitro analysis of chol
Isolation of phosphate solubilsing bacteria from rhizosphere of different black
Antimicrobial and phytochemical analysis of lime juice and different types of ho
Cloud information accountability. An overview
Morphological diversity, nutritional quality and value addition of jackfruit (Ar
Phytochemical profiling of Garcinia gummi-gutta (Malabar tamarind) and in vitro
Jewellery management systems. Development of a system to computerize the major t
Isolation, characterization and optimization of dye degrading bacteria from natu
Phytochemical analysis and cholesterol lowering efficiency of Averrhoa carambola
Studies on genetic relationships among locally cultivated Citrus varieties in Ke
Studies on genetic relationships among locally cultivated Musaceae varieties in
Phytochemical analysis of fruit extracts of Baccaurea courtallensis and evaluati
Behaviour of Salivary Amylase in Various Reaction Environments with Reference to
Isolation and molecular characterization of dye tolerant bacteria from dye conta
Smart healthcare. A general encyclopaedia for healthcare problems
The Honey Apple and its phytochemical analysis