This book presents a research study investigating young foreign language learners' ability to compose communicative texts in English. It reviews current research on young learners' EFL writing, reports on the learners' EFL writing competence, describes text quality at different CEFR language levels, and discusses current teaching practices and the learners' perception of EFL writing.
Dr. des. Ruth Trüb lehrt Fachdidaktik und Fachwissenschaft Englisch am Institut Primarstufe der Pädagogischen Hochschule FHNW.
1. Context of the Study
2. A Comprehensive Model of Writing Competence for Young EFL Learners
3. Methods
4. Results
4.1 Part I: The young EFL learners' writing competence
4.2 Part II: Current teaching practices and the learners' perception of EFL writing
4.3 Part III: Predictors of the learners' EFL writing competence
5. Discussion