A rare box with a silver mounted miniature painting of a child with a cherubic face, wearing a wig and a red coat of nobility was discovered
in Salzburg in 2018. It is a French bonbonniere made of papier-mâché and tortoiseshell. Could this be a portrait of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart from when he first performed for King Louis XV in Paris? The detective trail leads the author, who consulted with numerous experts, to Salzburg, Munich, Vienna and Paris. Laboratory testing confirms the authenticity of the lacquered baroque box of sweets, and the miniature upon it. Stefaan Missinne has discovered the linking orphic attribute in its silver mounting. The facial biometrics confirm it is a ten-year-old. Mozart was ten in 1766. The author endorses the box to be a unique Louis XV box of sweets, suggesting tribute to W. A. Mozart as an Austrian child prodigy. The portrait affirms the affective and visual bond between Mozart’s immortal musical skills and an anonymous, admiring French lady.
Stefaan Missinne was born into a Belgian musical family. He lives in Lower Austria near Vienna and received his PhD from the Economics University in Social and Economic Sciences in Vienna in 1990. He is the author of several academic art historically essays and articles. Recent publication: "The Da Vinci Globe" (2018)
Description of the portrait and the box
Miniature portraits of Mozart
Mozart and his stays in Paris
Primary sources on boxes in Mozart's letters
Mozart, musical instruments and notes
in miniatures and paintings
Iconographic decoration of the silver mounting
and on the outside pattern of the round box
Interlaced orphic ornaments from classical antiquity
and their appearance in late XVIII century artifacts
and frontispieces of printed music editions of
Haydn and Mozart
Allegory of music on a mechanical golden
wedding box dating from 1768
Post-mortem iconographic elements including the
reference to Mozart as the death of Orpheus
Some thoughts with regard to a potential attribution
of the artist who painted the portrait
Paediatric osteological approach
List of Pictures