Lieferbar in ca. 10-14 Arbeitstagen
Cultural Differences in Job Motivation
Vellnagel, Corinna Colette
Women on Corporate Boards and in Top Management
Fagan, Colette
Celebrity Scandal and your Brand
Folan, Colette
Comptabilité Générale
Edding Ngo Balog, Colette Sara
Psychological Aspects of Early Breast Cancer
Ray, Colette
Circuits Pedestres Mayence
Kersting, Hans
Lieferbar in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen
Gender-specific Language in the Presentation of Political Talk Shows
Language Endangerment is an Important Issue
The Exposure to time in Turkey and Germany
Leadership across High- and Low-Context Cultures
Strukturierung der Juristischen Semantik – Structuring Legal Semantics
Interviewing - a Way to Generate Qualitative Data
Semiotics and Shock Advertisement
Flight cancellations and their influence on peoples behaviours
Linking Financial Literacy, Economic Measures and Delayed Gratification
Symanowitz, Colette
Lieferbarkeit auf Anfrage
Thematic Cartography
Cauvin, Colette
Lune, Colette de la
Coteaching in International Contexts
Funktionsverbgefüge und feste Syntagmen
Iren küssen besser
Caddle, Colette
Amis et compagnie 2
Samson, Colette
Erwachende Herzen