Kreativität - Schöpferischer Wille und (Über-)Lebensstrategie
Lieferbar in ca. 10-14 Arbeitstagen
In the Beginning were Puppets: Towards a Poetics of Puppetry
Jenseits der Grenze: De-/Re-Lokalisierung / Hybridisierung
For Sale!
The Essay: Forms and Transformations
PLUS Kultur
Lieferbarkeit auf Anfrage
Kombipaket Atelier Gespräche (3 Bände)
My Fair Lady
Contact and Conflict in English Studies
Lieferbar in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen
Atelier Gespräche und Tatort Kultur: Atelier Gespräche II
Tatort Kultur
Atelier Gespräche
From the Cradle to the Grave
High Culture and / versus Popular Culture
The Human Body in Contemporary Literatures in English
Fantastic Body Transformations in English Literature
Coelsch-Foisner, Sabine
Drama Translation and Theatre Practice
Revolution in Poetic Consciousness. An Existential Reading of Mid-Twentieth-Century... / Revolution in Poetic Consciousness. An Existential Reading of Mid-Twentieth-Century...
Private and Public Voices in Victorian Poetry
Elizabethan Literature and Transformation