Inhaltsangabe1 Introduction.- 1.1 References.- 2 Technical Preliminaries.- 2.1 Aircraft Dynamics.- 2.1.1 Trimmed Equations.- 2.1.2 Longitudinal Linear Equations of Motion.- 2.1.3 Lateral/Directional Linear Equations of Motion.- 2.2 Flying Qualities.- 2.2.1 Longitudinal Response Requirements.- 2.2.2 Lateral/Directional Response Requirements.- 2.3 Uncertainty Representation.- 2.4 Structured Singular Value Analysis.- 2.5 Dynamic Inversion.- 2.6 Robust Eigenstructure Assignment.- 2.7 Full Order H? Design.- 2.8 Reduced Order Observer Based H? Design.- 2.9 Structured Singular Value Synthesis.- 2.10 Balanced Realizations and Truncation.- 2.11 Conclusions.- 2.12 References.- 3 Control Design Methodology.- 3.1 Control Selector.- 3.2 Inner Equalization Loop.- 3.3 Outer Robust Performance Loop.- 3.4 Conclusions.- 3.5 References.- 4 VISTA F-16 Lateral/Directional Design.- 4.1 Model Description.- 4.2 Flying Qualities Requirements.- 4.3 Control Selector Design.- 4.4 Inner Loop Design.- 4.4.1 Inner Loop Formulation.- 4.4.2 Low Angle of Attack Inner Loop Results.- 4.4.3 High Angle of Attack Inner Loop Results.- 4.5 Outer Loop Design.- 4.5.1 Outer Loop Synthesis.- Ideal Model Generation.- Performance Weighting.- Actuator Weighting.- Parameter Uncertainty Weighting.- 4.5.2 Low Angle of Attack Outer Loop Results.- 4.5.3 High Angle of Attack Outer Loop Results.- 4.6 Controller Implementation.- 4.7 Robustness Analysis.- 4.7.1 Low Angle of Attack Robustness Results.- Low Angle of Attack Structured Uncertainty.- Low Angle of Attack Unstructured Uncertainty.- Low Angle of Attack Robust Performance.- 4.7.2 High Angle of Attack Robustness Results.- High Angle of Attack Structured Uncertainty.- High Angle of Attack Unstructured Uncertainty.- High Angle of Attack Robust Performance.- 4.7.3 Robustness Analysis of Low/High Angle of Attack Blending.- 4.8 Nonlinear Analysis.- 4.8.1 Conventional Maneuvers.- 4.8.2 High Angle of Attack Maneuvers.- 4.9 Conclusions and Lessons Learned.- 4.10 References.- Appendix 4.- Low Angle of Attack Design and Analysis Matrices.- High Angle of Attack Design and Analysis Matrices.- Outer Loop Controller Matrices.- 5 Thrust Vectoring F-18 Design.- 5.1 Model Description.- 5.1.1 Nonlinear model.- 5.1.2 Linear model.- 5.2 Control Selector Design.- 5.3 Longitudinal Axis Controller.- 5.3.1 Inner Loop Design.- 5.3.2 Outer Loop Design.- 5.3.3 Robustness Analysis.- 5.3.4 Flying Qualities Analysis.- 5.4 Lateral/Directional Axes Controller.- 5.4.1 Inner Loop Design.- 5.4.2 Outer Loop Design.- 5.4.3 Robustness Analysis.- 5.4.4 Flying Qualities Analysis.- 5.5 Nonlinear Analysis.- 5.6 Conclusions and Lessons Learned.- 5.7 References.- Appendix 5.- Actuator Models.- Linear Design Models and Flight Conditions.- Inner Loop Gain Schedules.- Outer Loop Controllers.- 6 Conclusions.