This book is a comprehensive compilation of chapters on materials (both established and evolving) and material technologies that are important for aerospace systems. It considers aerospace materials in three Parts. Part I covers Metallic Materials (Mg, Al, Al-Li, Ti, aero steels, Ni, intermetallics, bronzes and Nb alloys); Part II deals with Composites (GLARE, PMCs, CMCs and Carbon based CMCs); and Part III considers Special Materials. This compilation has ensured that no important aerospace material system is ignored. Emphasis is laid in each chapter on the underlying scientific principles as well as basic and fundamental mechanisms leading to processing, characterization, property evaluation and applications. This book will be useful to students, researchers and professionals working in the domain of aerospace materials.
Dr. N. Eswara Prasad, FIE,FAPAS,FIIM, a B.Tech. (1985) and a Ph.D. (1993) in Metallurgical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India, is an innovative and creative researcher and technologist. He is currently serving as Director, Defense Materials and Stores Research and Development Establishment (DMSRDE), DRDO at Kanpur, India.He has made significant and outstanding contributions to the Indian Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO)ce;"> in the last 30 years in the fields of design, materials development and characterization, and airworthiness certified production of many advanced aerospace, aeronautical and naval materials and components. The extensive research work conducted by him has resulted in the development and certified production of (i) Al & Al-Li alloys for LCA, LCH and Indian Space Programme, (ii) Aero Steels, including Maraging and PH Steels for Indian Missile Programmes, (iii) High strength and high temperature Ti Alloys, including -Ti alloys for LCA's slat tracks and landing gear, (iv) Advanced Ultrahigh Temperature materials - Mo & Ti Intermetallics, Monolithic Ceramics (Structural Alumina, Graphite and SiC), Carbon, Silica and SiC based Continuous Fibre-reinforced, Ceramic-matrix Composites (CFCCs) for cutting edge components, systems and technologies. Application of these materials in DRDO has been complemented by him by extensive fundamental research on tensile deformation, fatigue and fracture, correlations between chemical composition-processing-microstructure-texture-deformation, leading to first time scientific explanations on Property Anisotropy. In the last 6 years, Dr. Prasad has been instrumental in the concurrent development and production of several airworthiness certified materials and components of Aero and Naval steels, Al alloys, Ni-base Superalloys, Ti sponge and Special Ti alloys for Indian Defense, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy and ATVP - the Indian Submarine Program, which have resulted in realizing defense hardware worth more than Rs. 12 billion, out of which direct materials production of nearly Rs. 6.2 Billions through 180 provisional clearances and 11 type approvals of CEMILAC. Dr. Prasad's prolific research resulted over 170 research articles in peer-reviewed national and international journals and conference proceedings, including 30 written/edited books and book chapters as well as 26 classified and unclassified, as also peer reviewed technical reports and a highly acclaimed first International Monograph on Al-Li Alloys in 2014. He has also authored nearly 90 confidential reports and more than 260 certification documents for DRDO. In recognition of his original contributions in the fields of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Dr. Prasad had received several national and international awards. He has been the recipient of YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD (ICSA, 1991), YOUNG METALLURGIST (Ministry of Steel,1994), AvH's Humboldt Research Fellowship (1998-99), Max-Planck-Institute (Stuttgart)'s Visiting Scientist (1998-99), Binani Gold Medal (IIM, 2006), METALLURGIST OF THE YEAR (Ministry of Steel, 2010), AICTE-INAE Distinguished Visiting Professorship at Andhra University and Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology (INAE, 2012-Till Date), IIT-BHU(MET)'s Distinguished Alumnus Award (2013) and the prestigious Dr. VM Ghatge Award of AeSI (in 2014).Dr. Prasad is a Fellow of Institute of Engineers (India) [FIE], Indian Institute of Metals [FIIM] and AP Akademi of Sciences [FAPAS]. Dr. R. J. H. Wanhill is emeritus Principal Research Scientist at the Netherlands Aerospace Centre, formerly the National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, in the Netherlands. He holds two Doctorates, one from the University of Manchester (1968) and the second from the Delft University of Technology (1994). He joined the NLR in 1970, and since