Nutrients and Eutrophication in Estuaries and Coastal Waters
Developments in Hydrobiology 164
Elliott, M / N de Jonge, Victor
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01.11.2010, Auflage: 1. Auflage
InhaltsangabePreface. The Estuarine and coastal Sciences Association (ECSA). Introductory paper. Causes, historical development, effects and future challenges of a common environmental problem: eutrophication; V.N. de Jonge, et al. Hydrodynamic control of chemical and biological processes. Modern foraminiferal record of alternating open and restricted environmental conditions in the Santo André lagoon, S.W. Portugal; A. Cearreta, et al. Nutrient inputs to the Irish Sea: temporal and spatial perspectives; K. Kennington, et al. Nutrient-enhanced productivity in the northern Gulf of Mexico: past, present and future; N.N. Rabalais, et al. Potential modification of the fluxes of nitrogen from the Humber estuary catchment (UK) to the North Sea in response to changing agricultural inputs and climate patterns; A.D. Tappin, et al. Methods and approaches to assess and control estuarine and coastal eutrophication. Estimation of ecological energy using weighing parameters determined from DNA contents of organisms - A case study; J.C. Fonseca, et al. Trophic status based on nutrient concentration scales and primary producers community of tropical coastal lagoons influenced by groundwater discharges; J.A. Herrera-Silveira, et al. 'Ferry-Boxes' and data stations for the improved monitoring and resolution of eutrophication related processes: application in Southampton Water UK, a temperate latitude hypernutrified estuary; S.E. Holley, D.J. Hydes. Identifying 'hot spots' of biological and anthropogenic activity in two Irish estuaries using means and frequencies; M.P. Johnson, et al. Distribution patterns of nutrients and symptoms of eutrophication in the Rio de la Plata River Estuary System; G.J. Nagy, et al. Baseline study of soft bottom benthic assemblages in the Bay of Santander (Gulfof Biscay); A. Puente, et al. Chemical fluxes between and within ecosystems. Nutrient (N, P, Si) fluxes between marine sediments and water column in coastal and open Adriatic; A. Baric, et al. Nitrogen fluxes and budget seasonality in the Ria Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula); R. Prego. The winter and summer partitioning of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus. Observations across the Irish Sea during 1997 en 1998; T.M. Shammon, R.G. Hartnoll. Long-term changes in Wadden Sea nutrient cycles: importance of organic matter import from the North Sea; J.E.E. van Beusekom, V.N. de Jonge. Particulate inputs to Dublin Bay and to the South Lagoon, Bull Island; J.G. Wilson, et al. Modelling of estuaries and coastal waters. A model for predicting the temporal evolution of dissolved oxygen concentration in shallow estuaries; A. García, et al. Modelling the faecal coliform concentrations in the Bilbao estuary; J.M. García-Barcina, et al. Simulating vertical water mixing in homogeneous estuaries: the Sado estuary case; F. Martins, et al. Mathematical modelling as a management tool for water quality control of the tropical Beberibe estuary, NE Brazil; C.H.A. Ribeiro, M. Araújo. The prediction of nutrients into estuaries and their subsequent behaviour: application to the Tamar and comparison with the Tweed, UK; R.J. Uncles, et al. Pelagic and benthic metabolism and trophic pathways. Seasonal change in the proportion of bacterial and phytoplankton production along a salinity gradient in a shallow estuary; M.A. Almeida, et al. The planktonic food web structure of a temperate zone estuary, and its alteration due to eutrophication; G.M. Capriulo, et al. The feeding strategy of the dunlin (Calidris alpina L.) in artificial and