The use of electro-electronic equipment causes energy consumption to grow widely throughout the world. This growth makes spending control essential, given the limited energy matrix and the possible need to adapt power systems to meet demand. The objective of this study is to understand and develop a tool to control the consumption of electrical energy of residential consumers. The relevant literature on the subject was raised and the requirements of an energy expenditure control system were defined. It was possible to develop a WEB system, responsible for storing and displaying the collected data, associated with a microcontroller, in charge of performing the necessary measurements. The creation of a user-friendly interface software accessible from anywhere brings a number of advantages.
Carlos M. de S.: student van de laatste periode van de elektrotechniek. Afgestudeerd in Systems Development en ambtenaar van de staat Espírito Santo; Adan L. P.: Master in Electrical Engineering. Momenteel is professor en coördinator van het Braziliaanse College - Multivix Vitória; Willian L. S.: student van de laatste periode van de elektrotechniek.