Julius Hofmann (b. Göttingen, 1983; lives and works near Göttingen) has mastered the traditional aspects of painting and commands a broad repertoire of creative techniques. This expertise enables him to call conventional painting in question by combining it with the aesthetic of 1990s computer graphics. The simple and often grotesque symbolism of the imperfect digital imagery contrasts with a perfectionistic figurative painting. This approach lends his pictures a disconcerting and unexpected quality. Western Philosophies is an episode in Hofmanns ongoing work confronting consumerist society with its dark secrets and its indifference. Meanwhile, his creative process is also an exploration of the artists personal fears and frustrations. In depicting his figures, landscapes, and machines, he draws our attention to the painterly originality of structures and surfaces. The protagonists, to his mind, play a subordinate role, typically serving him as vehicleshe is more interested in the how than in the what.
Julius Hofmann studierte von 2005 bis 2011 bei Neo Rauch und Heribert C. Ottersbach Malerei an der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst (HGB) in Leipzig. Seine Werke sind in internationalen Sammlungen und Institutionen vertreten.