Architectural Image-Making in 1980s New York

The John Nichols Printmakers & Publishers Collection

Nichols, Owen / Syme, Clara
Erscheint am 01.09.2024
CHF 55,60
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In den Warenkorb
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783959058599
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 420
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Einband: Gebunden


Architectural Image-Making in 1980s New York presents a collection of historically significant architectural works produced by and exhibited at John Nichols Printmakers & Publishers (JNP&P) at 83 Grand Street in SoHo between 1978 and 1994. Capturing the catalytic moment when architecture co-opted art practices through printmaking, this volume documents the recent history of spatial representation, works on paper, fine-art printmaking, and artistic production in New York. Intended as both a catalogue and a resource, features include detailed plates of selected works, an engaging ensemble of essays, and new photography, alongside indexical chronologies and a glossary of printmaking terminology. The publication is informed by the three-part exhibition series of the same name, curated by Owen Nichols and Clara Syme and presented at a83 throughout 2023. On show were works from Aldo Rossi, John Baldessari, Peter Eisenman, Robert Morris, Robert Rauschenberg, a. o. a83 is a nonprofit organization with a threefold mission to exhibit, publish, and promote experimental projects in architecture, art, and design.

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