This elaborate book features over 160 ink and pencil drawings by Christoph Niemann, each a story of an unfamiliar place. They are observations on traveling, arriving and immersing oneself, on the melancholy of being on the road and the adventure of discovering new destinationsamong them New York, Paris, Hong Kong, Amsterdam, Seville and Kyoto. Regardless of their subjects, these are all iconic sketches, capable of grasping the magic, light and mood of a place in a handful of virtuoso strokes. In Niemanns own words in Souvenir: Over time memories change. Most things fade, while others become more significant. Connections arise that one wasnt aware of originally. Sometimes a drawing can capture all this in a new and surprising way. And with some luck, the picture feels as authentic as the moment itself. Co-published with Diogenes, Zurich
Born in Waiblingen in 1970, Christoph Niemann is an artist, graphic designer and author of various books. His work has appeared on more than 25 New Yorker covers since 2001, with illustrations in WIRED, Weltkunst Magazine and the New York Times Magazine. He was inducted into the Art Directors Club Hall of Fame in 2010. Niemann lives and works in Berlin.