Tales from the anatomy theatre. A voyage through the history of anatomical preparations.
Anatomisk? te?tra nost?sti. Aizraujošs celojums anatomisko prepar?tu veidošanas v?stur?
Bornand, Basile / Murashko, Alexey / Bieri, Alexander Lukas
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Advances in medicine would be unthinkable without anatomical specimens. The book follows the development of pathology and describes how reservations about working on corpses were overcome. Eminently readable and at times humorous, Oscar Baldomero masterfully explains the difficulties faced by the pioneers of modern anatomy. Photographer Basile Bornand's plates of unique historical anatomical specimens provide a visual insight into the history of pathology. The bibliophile book was designed by Alexey Murashko. It depicts the historical anatomical specimens today on display in the Riga Stradins University's Museum of Anatomy.