Types of multiple-choice questions
11. Restriction mapping of a plasmid DNA
12. Restriction mapping of a linear DNA fragment
13. Cutting and ligating l phage DNA
14. Construction of a subtractive genomic library
15. Sequencing of DNA using the Maxam-Gilbert method
16. DNA fingerprinting with a minisatellite probe in a family
17. In vitro synthesis of infectious phage DNA
18. Replication of SV40 virus DNA
19. In vitro synthesis of Okazaki fragments
10. Proofreading by bacterial DNA polymerase I
11. Functional analysis of a DNA repair protein
12. The phases of cell cycle
13. Regulation of lamin function by protein kinases
14. In vitro transcription by a bacterial RNA polymerase
15. Isolation of RNA polymerases from frog cells
16. mRNA stability
17. Polysomes and protein synthesis
18. Analysis of protamine-synthesizing polysomes
19. Protein translocation across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane
20. The role of calnexin in the secretory pathway
21. Analysis of the lac-repressor
22. Lactose operon mutants
23. Regulation of gene expression in mitogen-activated lymphocytes
24. The role of the 3'-untranslated region in mRNA metabolism
25. Sucrosomes
26. Mitochondrial protein transport
27. Purification of tubulins
28. SCG10, a cytoskeleton-associated protein
29. Consequences of the DF508 cystic fibrosis gene mutation
30. Signal transduction from the epidermal growth factor receptor
31. The regulation of a mitogen-actived protein kinase
32. The effect of nerve growth factor on an early-response gene
33. Targeted gene disruption
34. Catalytic activity of the SV40 T antigen
35. Identification of the v-src gene product
36. Analysis of the mutation that causes Burkitt lymphoma
37. The role of p53 protein in the cellular response to g-irradiation
38. Analysis of a tumor by comparative genomic hybridization
39. Pedigree of hemophilia A
40. Colour blindness and Klinefelter syndrome
41. Inheritance of nail-patella syndrome and ABO blood groups