Billo Heinzpeter Studer has been a devotee of fish for over 20 years: ‘Fish have always fascinated me, while I also feel sympathy for them. Because they are rather neglected, and only attract our attention in mass groups – but fishes are not vegetables!’
Fishes are stranger to us than other (working) animals, and we have very limited knowledge about them and their needs. What defines a good life for a fish? Most of us have no idea. Billo Heinzpeter Studer is on a mission to change this. He explains why fish are close to his heart, describing his aim to protect them as well as the practical projects, strategies and solutions to realize his vision.
One such a project leads to Senegal. He goes fishing with local fishermen to observe what happens at sea. He discusses a more humane and sustainable method of fishery for the fishes. The fishermen not least would reap the reward, by asking fairer prices for fair trade fish. This could safeguard their long-term livelihoods. ‘C’est intéressant, ça,’ they tell Billo Heinzpeter Studer who is on board with the fishermen and on their side.
So Fishes Suffer Less and Fewer Fishermen Have to Emigrate
Back to the Beginning: From Hens to Fishes
Fair Fishes from Swiss Lakes
Excursus 1 – fair-fish Guidelines 2000 for Fish Farming
Excursus 2 – fair-fish Guidelines 2000 for Fish Capture
Excursus 3 – Interlude with Ornamental Fish?
Fair Fishes from Africa
Excursus 4 – fair-fish on Senegal’s Fishery Policy
Excursus 5 – A Ship Cargo of Tinned Fish – Why Not?
Excursus 6 – Why No Fair Fishery in Europe?
Excursus 7 – Campaigns Instead of Projects
Back to Aquaculture: When Are Fishes Happy and Healthy?
Excursus 8 – Do fish experience pain?
Excursus 9 – How fair-fish almost had a model fish farm
Handover to the Next Generation
Which Fish Can I Still Eat?