Transposition and Transformation, Controversy and Discovery
On the Christian Encounter with the Religions of Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century India
Preisendanz, Karin / Buss, Johanna
Erschienen am
Johanna Buss – Karin Preisendanz, Introduction (vii)
Martin Gaenszle, Laudation (xxiii)
Christophe Vielle, Devotional Christianity and Pre-Indology in Early Eighteenth-Century Kerala: Johann Ernst Hanxleden, S.J., alias Arnos Padiri, Scholar and Poet (1)
Mitch Numark, The Emergence of Resistant Judaism in Colonial Bombay: Christian Missionaries, Cochin Jews, and the Hebraization of India’s Bene Israel Jews, 1738–1905 (49)
Vera Höke, “… But Knows Not of His Need of the Atonement”: Rammohun Roy’s Selective Construction of Christianity in His Precepts of Jesus and the Dispute about “True Christianity” in Early Nineteenth-Century Calcutta (125)
Mitch Numark, The Scottish “Discovery” of Jainism in Nineteenth-Century Bombay (193)
The Authors (245)