Mühlenpfordt - Neue Zeitkunst
Reformarchitektur und Hochschullehre
Gisbertz, Olaf /
Erschienen am
01.09.2018, Auflage: 1. Auflage
Carl Mühlenpfordt (1878-1944) had already left his mark on Lübeck before he was appointed by the Braun-schweig Polytechnic in 1914. His reforms turned the architecture faculty into a well-known educational establishment, which later caused a stir through his student network as the Braunschweig School. Today the architect and university teacher is largely unknown. He had demanded a New Contemporary Art for the imperial era and Weimar Republic with Verve, which went beyond programmatic Bauhaus, but was led by a belief in continuity and a will to reform. This book offers a multilayered contextualization of the life and work of the architect, illuminating aspects of architectural and life reform, as well as questions about the mood among reform architects in the early twentieth century. The consideration of Mühlenpfordt indicates the contemporary relevance of his search for identity in the built environment in current debates about the city and architecture of the future.
Olaf Gisbertz (ed.)