This book offers a collection of many new ideas: connection with the psychoid processes of the unconscious is a source of healing, especially in relation to trauma; fresh interpretation of the bedevilling flashbacks of trauma; addition of an alternative interpenetrating matrix to the container model of healing; sum of the insights of Nicholas of Cusa and their implications for Jung’s complex around freedom and relation to the Divine.
1. The Psychoid, Psyche and Soul: Piercing Space-Time Barriers
Psyche and Soul
Inaugural Images
Two Sources of Healing
2. Psychoid Quality of the Unconscious, A Third Source of Healing
The Psychoid Quality of the Unconscious
The Psychoid Field
Other Theorists, Mystics
Healing Potential of the Psychoid Field
Meaning and Its Paradox
The Ubiquity and the Aura of the Psychoid
3. Examples of Psychoid Quality of Unconscious
Example 1: Murder
Example 2: Violence
Example 3: Psychoid Experience in Social Life
Example 4: Psychoid Experience in Everyday Life
Example 5: A Man’s Experience
4. Mending Trauma
The First Witness
The Second Witness
Meaning Matters
5. Dread of Transition, and an Additional Matrix
Another Transition
Matrix as Container
An Additional Matrix
Benefits and Limits of the Container Image, and of the Interpenetrating Matrix
The Unconscious Psyche, and the Soul, as Additional Matrices
Back to Murder
The Psychoid and the Matrix
The Uncontainable
A Leap Perhaps?
Something More
Images of Something More, East and West
Meaning Once Again
6. Spiritual Elements in Clinical Work
Something More (Again)
Tracking the Tiger
Dead Parts
The Really Bad
Scraps Again
Modes of Consciousness
Inaugural Images (Again), Psychoanalytic Theories and God-Images
The Psychoid
7. Excursus: Coincidence of Opposites – Nicholas of Cusa and C. G. Jung
Jung’s Style
Coincidence of Opposites
Five Parallels Between Jung and Nicholas of Cusa
Implications of Nicholas’ Notion of Godself in Us for Jung’s Notion of Self
Implications of Nicholas’ God-Image for Jung’s Complex