Binaural reproduction refers to the reproduction of certain audio signals at the two ears of the listener. For a moving listener to perceive sound sources as fixed in the environment, the reproduced signals need to match the listener’s movements. Interactive binaural reproduction with head tracking aims to generate such signals. The goal of this thesis is to achieve interactive binaural reproduction based on binaurally recorded signals, that is, on two ear signals originally intended for non-interactive binaural reproduction for a non-moving listener.
This is desirable for two major reasons. The resulting algorithms enable a more immersive experience of binaural recordings, which is of interest in applications where greater technical effort for recording may not be feasible. Furthermore, the algorithms can be integrated into headphones. There, they seamlessly interoperate with established technologies, such that existing media devices and distribution platforms do not need to be modified. This eliminates the coordination and standardization efforts that would be required to make state-of-the-art methods widely usable, and potentially facilitates a broad market introduction.
A listening experiment validates the proposed approach. Acoustic scenes with speech sources were binaurally recorded at the ears of human subjects. A real-time prototype with head tracking provided interactive binaural reproduction of these recordings via headphones. Subjects were asked to distinguish, in an indirect comparison, the artificial binaural reproduction from reality (ground-truth signals emitted by the loudspeakers in the same room). Results show that this task was difficult even for expert listeners, indicating that the prototype provides a natural and plausible listening experience.