This book presents MontiArcAutomaton, a modeling language for architecture and behavior modeling of Cyber-Physical Systems as interactive Component & Connector models. MontiArcAutomaton extends the Architecture Description Language MontiArc with automata to describe component behavior. The modeling language MontiArcAutomaton provides syntactical elements for defining automata with states, variables, and transitions inside MontiArc components. These syntactical elements and a basic set of well-formedness rules provide the syntax for a family of modeling languages for state-based behavior modeling in Component & Connector architectures. We present two concrete language profiles with additional well-formedness rules to model time-synchronous component behavior and untimed, event-driven behavior of components. This book gives an overview of the MontiArcAutomaton language including examples, a language reference, and a context-free grammar for MontiArcAutomaton models. It also provides syntax definition, well-formedness rules, and semantics for two language profiles. We summarize projects and case studies applying MontiArcAutomaton. MontiArcAutomaton is implemented using the DSL framework MontiCore. Available tools include a textual editor with syntax highlighting and code completion as well as a graphical editor and a powerful and extensible code generation framework for target languages including EMF, Java, Mona, and Python.