Doing Anthropology in Wartime and War Zones
World War I and the Cultural Sciences in Europe
Johler, Reinhard / Marchetti, Christian / Scheer, Monique
Erschienen am
11.10.2010, Auflage: 1. Auflage
Anthropology between field research and fire trenches. This volume investigates the hardly recognized cooperation between anthropologists and the military during World War I. An enlightening insight into the dark history of a discipline.
Reviewed in:European Association of Social Anthropologists, (2011), Marius TurdaKwartalnik Historyczny, 2 (2013), Aleksandra Rodziska-ChojnowskaZeitschrift für die Geschichte des Oberrheins, 161/122 (2013), Rainer Brüning
»Der thematisch konzentrierte, aber räumlich weit ausgreifende Sammelband vermittelt einen anschaulichen und differenzierten Überblick über die Bedeutung, die der Erste Weltkrieg für die Herausbildung der Disziplinen Volks-/Völkerkunde (Anthropology) hatte.«
»[The] combination of carefully developed specific points of research and thorough reexamination of paradigmatic theoretical models should make this volume an indispensable reading and an important point of reference for years to come.«
»Der vorgelegte Sammelband unternimmt nichts weniger, als einen bis dahin größtenteils blinden Fleck der Anthropologie näher zu untersuchen.«
»The publication of this scholarly and well-edited volume is commendable. For those who are already familiar with the history of anthropology, this volume will advance their knowledge of anthropology in wartimes and war zones; for those who do not, it will awaken great interest.«
»[The] combination of carefully developed specific points of research and thorough reexamination of paradigmatic theoretical models should make this volume an indispensable reading and an important point of reference for years to come.«
Reviewed in:European Association of Social Anthropologists, (2011), Marius Turda
»The publication of this scholarly and well-edited volume is commendable. For those who are already familiar with the history of anthropology, this volume will advance their knowledge of anthropology in wartimes and war zones; for those who do not, it will awaken great interest.«