Beyond the Screen
Transformations of Literary Structures, Interfaces and Genres
Schäfer, Jörgen / Gendolla, Peter
Erschienen am
27.02.2010, Auflage: 1. Auflage
This volume takes a look at the literary aspects of locative media and immersive environments, where readers have to muster active engagement and physical interaction to grasp a text.
»It is a pleasure to observe that this very heavy book with numerous contributors and a wide range of topics has, nevertheless, a clear focus.In general, the reading of this volume is very rewarding. The cultural, aesthetic, and social stakes of the discussions are clearly marked, and the helpful editorial hand of Schäfer and Gendolla makes that the unusual length of this publication is never felt as a handicap [...]. The organization of the collection is clever [...].«
»Auf die von Noah Wardrip-Fruin gestellte Ausgangsfrage ›What do we need to read, to interpret, when we read digital literature?‹ bietet der Band eine Fülle von Material, das auch für jene, die bis dato die nicht ganz einfache Beschäftigung mit den ein gewisses Vorwissen und Erfahrung voraussetzenden Formen des Genres gescheut oder gemieden haben, nützlich/brauchbar/interessant erscheint.«
»An excellent and ambitious collection that attempts nothing less than a re-calibration of digital aesthetics.«
»Der Band [sei] allen wärmstens ans Herz gelegt, die sich für digitale Literatur im Besonderen und für digitale Kunst im Allgemeinen interessieren.«
Reviewed in:, 6 (2010), Jan, 07.11.2011
Reviewed, 6 (2010), Jan, 07.11.2011
»It is a pleasure to observe that this very heavy book with numerous contributors and a wide range of topics has, nevertheless, a clear focus.In general, the reading of this volume is very rewarding. The cultural, aesthetic, and social stakes of the discussions are clearly marked, and the helpful editorial hand of Schäfer and Gendolla makes that the unusual length of this publication is never felt as a handicap [...]. The organization of the collection is clever [...].«
»An excellent and ambitious collection that attempts nothing less than a re-calibration of digital aesthetics.«